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Heel Spurs Treatment in Vancouver

April 8th, 2011
A heel spur is a radiological (X-ray) finding, often seen in those suffering from plantar fasciitis. It consists of a thin spike of calcification, which lies within the plantar fascia at the point of its attachment to the calcaneus, or heel bone. While this condition is commonly present in plantar fasciitis, it is a result of the inflammation, and is not the cause of the pai ...

Heel Pain Treatment in Vancouver

April 8th, 2011
Heel Pain Treatment in Vancouver Dr. Michael Horowitz offers a 5-Step process to successfully treating this condition.  He can help evaluate & diagnose your condition and recommend the best course of action for you. Call Vancouver Orthotics at 604-737-3668 for more information.  Because there are several potential causes, it is important to have heel pain properly diagnosed. ...

Ankle Sprain Treatment in Vancouver

April 6th, 2011
A sprained ankle, ankle sprain, rolled ankle, ankle injury or ankle ligament injury, is a common occurrence where one or more of the ligaments of the ankle is torn or partially torn due to excessive torsional stresses placed on those ligaments. The anterior talofibular ligament is one of the most commonly involved ligaments. Sprains to the lateral aspect of the ankle account for ...

Ankle Pain Treatment in Vancouver

April 6th, 2011
Ankle Pain is one of the most common complaints that present to our office. Some obvious sources of ankle pain are from direct trauma or sprains. Other common causes of ankle of chronic postural stress due to mechanical inefficiency. Flat or pronated feet are a direct cause of this inefficiency. Dr. Michael Horowitz often recommends custom orthotic inserts to treat this biomechanical ...

Knee Pain Treatment in Vancouver

April 5th, 2011
Knee Pain has many possible origins and can be as debilitating and annoying as anything. The knee joint is a hinge joint seperated by shock-absorbing meniscus and stabilized by strong ligaments (ACL = anterior cruciate ligament, PCL = posterior cruciate ligmanet, MCL = medical cruciate ligament, LCL = lateral cruciate ligament). The knee joint is a weight bearing joint that can t ...

Hip Pain Treatment in Vancouver

April 5th, 2011
Hip pain is common problem, and it can be confusing because there are many causes. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the underlying problem. If you have hip pain, some common causes include: Common Causes of Hip Pain: FLAT FEET - poor biomechanical force transmission (flat feet) Trauma - ...