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Leg Length Discrepancy or the "Short" Leg Imbalance.

Blog by Vancouver Orthotics, Hycroft Medical Building (114-3195 Granville St @ 16th Ave) | November 8th, 2018

Today's Topic is Leg Length Discrepancy or the "Short" Leg Imbalance.

Leg Length Difference.jpgLimb length discrepancy is a difference between the lengths of the arms or legs. Except in extreme cases, differences in arm length do not usually impact how the arms function and do not require treatment. For this reason, this article focuses on differences in leg length.

A discrepancy in leg length will usually become obvious to parents as they watch their child grow and begin to crawl and walk. Some children are born with legs of different lengths. In other cases, illness or injury causes a discrepancy in length to develop over time. While a slight difference in leg length may not cause symptoms, a significant difference can cause a noticeable limp and make it difficult for a child to run and play.

Treatment for a discrepancy depends upon the severity. In many cases, a minor difference in leg length can be evened out by wearing a lift in one shoe. Sometimes custom orthotics are recommended to stabilize the imbalance or leg length discrepancy. It is important to realize there are anatomical leg length discrepancies and structural. Anatomical leg length imbalances may come from previous injury, fractures or be congenital. The much more common imbalance that present to our office are the structural leg length difference. We evaluate all new patients for posture. We commonly see the appearance of a low hip or lower shoulder. This may be coming from their feet, their hips, their spine and/or the interconnecting muscles which may be imbalanced.

Leg Length Discrepancy.jpgBy observing the signs, we are able to better understand the symptoms. Dr. Michael Horowitz offers a 5-Step Process for Evaluating Leg Length Discrepancy and he invites you to his office for consultation, examination and treatment.

Please call 604-737-3668 to book an appointment or fill out the Contact Form below and Dr. Michael will respond as soon as he can.

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